Thursday 13 April 2017

Flowers in the window

I've been humming this Travis offering for a few days now. My brother and I loved this song as kids (well at least one of us was a kid when it came out) and I think it is a pretty tune for the lovely season of Spring. Now that I no longer dash around like a mad horse on nitro boost, I spend a good deal of my leisure time humming to the tulips in the front yard and ruminating about ways to keep wasps away from my windows(DH fancies a couple of Venus fly traps). I have had fingers of a pale shade of green since childhood and just needed the smallest spark of inspiration to raid my local gardening shop this past weekend. While I did want a bunch of flowers at each window, recurring images of bees and wasps dissuaded me from becoming a reluctant beekeeper, at least for the moment. I now have high hopes placed on a pot of coriander and lemongrass. I shall be happy to report back to my dedicated reader base once I see positive results. I very much look forward to turning my living space into a greenhouse and moving out into the garden with our frequent visitor, the very haughty Mrs Tabby.

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